#!/bin/bash -e # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # -*- sh-basic-offset: 4 -*- WEB_UPGRADE=false BRANCH_VERSION= MANAGE_NETWORK= UPGRADE_SYSTEM= if [ -f .env ]; then source .env fi while getopts ":w:b:n:s:" arg; do case "${arg}" in w) WEB_UPGRADE=true ;; b) BRANCH_VERSION=${OPTARG} ;; n) MANAGE_NETWORK=${OPTARG} ;; s) UPGRADE_SYSTEM=${OPTARG} ;; esac done if [ "$WEB_UPGRADE" = false ]; then # Make sure the command is launched interactive. if ! [ -t 0 ]; then echo -e "Detected old installation command. Please use:\n$ bash <(curl -sL https://install-anthias.srly.io)" exit 1 fi # clear screen clear; # Set color of logo tput setaf 6 tput bold cat << EOF d8888 888 888 d88888 888 888 888 d88P888 888 888 d88P 888 88888b. 888888 88888b. 888 8888b. .d8888b d88P 888 888 '88b 888 888 '88b 888 '88b 88K d88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 .d888888 'Y8888b. d8888888888 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 888 888 888 X88 d88P 888 888 888 Y888 888 888 888 'Y888888 88888P' ================================================================== EOF # Reset color tput sgr 0 echo -e "Anthias requires a dedicated Raspberry Pi / SD card.\nYou will not be able to use the regular desktop environment once installed.\n" read -p "Do you still want to continue? (y/N)" -n 1 -r -s INSTALL if [ "$INSTALL" != 'y' ]; then echo exit 1 fi # @TODO Re-enable the 'production' branch once we've merged master into production #echo -e "\n________________________________________\n" #echo -e "Which version/branch of Screenly OSE would you like to install:\n" #echo " Press (1) for the Production branch, which is the latest stable." #echo " Press (2) for the Development/Master branch, which has the latest features and fixes, but things may break." #echo "" #read -n 1 -r -s BRANCHSELECTION #case $BRANCHSELECTION in # 1) echo "You selected: Production";export DOCKER_TAG="production";BRANCH="production" # ;; # 2) echo "You selected: Development/Master";export DOCKER_TAG="latest";BRANCH="master" # ;; # *) echo "(Error) That was not an option, installer will now exit.";exit # ;; #esac # Remove these once the above code has been restored. export DOCKER_TAG="latest" export BRANCH="master" echo && read -p "Do you want Anthias to manage your network? This is recommended for most users because this adds features to manage your network. (Y/n)" -n 1 -r -s NETWORK && echo echo && read -p "Would you like to perform a full system upgrade as well? (y/N)" -n 1 -r -s UPGRADE && echo if [ "$UPGRADE" != 'y' ]; then EXTRA_ARGS=("--skip-tags" "system-upgrade") fi elif [ "$WEB_UPGRADE" = true ]; then if [ -z "${BRANCH}" ]; then if [ "$BRANCH_VERSION" = "latest" ]; then export DOCKER_TAG="latest" BRANCH="master" elif [ "$BRANCH_VERSION" = "production" ]; then export DOCKER_TAG="production" BRANCH="production" else echo -e "Invalid -b parameter." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$MANAGE_NETWORK" = false ]; then NETWORK="n" elif [ "$MANAGE_NETWORK" = true ]; then NETWORK="y" else echo -e "Invalid -n parameter." exit 1 fi if [ "$UPGRADE_SYSTEM" = false ]; then EXTRA_ARGS=("--skip-tags" "system-upgrade") else echo -e "Invalid -s parameter." exit 1 fi else echo -e "Invalid -w parameter." exit 1 fi if [ -z "${REPOSITORY}" ]; then if [ "$WEB_UPGRADE" = false ]; then set -x REPOSITORY=${1:-https://github.com/NassimBentarka/screenly-ose.git} else set -e REPOSITORY=https://github.com/NassimBentarka/screenly-ose.git fi fi if [ ! -d /home/${USER}/screenly ]; then mkdir /home/${USER}/screenly fi sudo mkdir -p /etc/ansible echo -e "[local]\nlocalhost ansible_connection=local" | sudo tee /etc/ansible/hosts > /dev/null if [ ! -f /etc/locale.gen ]; then # No locales found. Creating locales with default UK/US setup. echo -e "en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8\nen_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" | sudo tee /etc/locale.gen > /dev/null sudo locale-gen fi sudo sed -i 's/apt.screenlyapp.com/archive.raspbian.org/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt update -y sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ git \ libffi-dev \ libssl-dev \ python3 \ python3-dev \ python3-pip \ whois if [ "$NETWORK" == 'y' ]; then export MANAGE_NETWORK=true sudo apt-get install -y network-manager else export MANAGE_NETWORK=false fi # Install Ansible from requirements file. if [ "$BRANCH" = "master" ]; then ANSIBLE_VERSION=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/screenly/anthias/$BRANCH/requirements/requirements.host.txt | grep ansible) else ANSIBLE_VERSION=ansible==2.8.8 fi # @TODO # Remove me later. Cryptography 38.0.3 won't build at the moment. # See https://github.com/screenly/anthias/issues/1654 sudo pip install cryptography==38.0.2 sudo pip install "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" sudo -u ${USER} ansible localhost \ -m git \ -a "repo=$REPOSITORY dest=/home/${USER}/screenly version=$BRANCH force=no" cd /home/${USER}/screenly/ansible sudo -E -u ${USER} ansible-playbook site.yml "${EXTRA_ARGS[@]}" # Pull down and install containers /home/${USER}/screenly/bin/upgrade_containers.sh sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get clean sudo docker system prune -f sudo apt autoremove -y sudo apt-get install plymouth --reinstall -y sudo find /usr/share/doc \ -depth \ -type f \ ! -name copyright \ -delete sudo find /usr/share/doc \ -empty \ -delete sudo rm -rf \ /usr/share/man \ /usr/share/groff \ /usr/share/info/* \ /usr/share/lintian \ /usr/share/linda /var/cache/man sudo find /usr/share/locale \ -type f \ ! -name 'en' \ ! -name 'de*' \ ! -name 'es*' \ ! -name 'ja*' \ ! -name 'fr*' \ ! -name 'zh*' \ -delete sudo find /usr/share/locale \ -mindepth 1 \ -maxdepth 1 \ ! -name 'en*' \ ! -name 'de*' \ ! -name 'es*' \ ! -name 'ja*' \ ! -name 'fr*' \ ! -name 'zh*' \ ! -name 'locale.alias' \ -exec rm -r {} \; sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /home/${USER} # Run sudo w/out password if [ ! -f /etc/sudoers.d/010_${USER}-nopasswd ]; then echo "${USER} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/010_${USER}-nopasswd > /dev/null sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/010_${USER}-nopasswd fi echo -e "Anthias version: $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)@$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)\n$(lsb_release -a)" > ~/version.md if [ "$WEB_UPGRADE" = false ]; then set +x else set +e fi echo "Installation completed." if [ "$WEB_UPGRADE" = false ]; then read -p "You need to reboot the system for the installation to complete. Would you like to reboot now? (y/N)" -n 1 -r -s REBOOT && echo if [ "$REBOOT" == 'y' ]; then sudo reboot fi fi